BanSystem Configuration Guide

Thank you for choosing BanSystem! We're excited to see how it elevates your system. We hope you like it!


The BanSystem provides a comprehensive solution for managing bans and player restrictions on your server. This guide will walk you through the configuration process and usage of the BanSystem.


Getting Started



  1. Download: Download the BanSystem from Keymaster
  2. Configure: Customize the Config files according to your server's requirements.
  3. Craft Your Custom Adaptive Card: Visit Adaptive Cards Designer to create a personalized Adaptive Card tailored for your system. Configure your host app, such as Microsoft Teams Version 1.5, and use Darkmode for the best configuration.
  4. Integrate Your Card's JSON Code: Once you've designed your card, copy the generated JSON code. Open the ConnectCard.json file and ensure not to remove the existing brackets [] - simply paste your created code between these brackets.


The config_sv.lua file contains the primary configuration parameters for the BanSystem and is not accessible from the client.

BanSystem.Config.ConnectCardAllowed = false

BanSystem.Config.GroupACE = 'command.cw_bansystem'

BanSystem.Config.PasswordCardAllowed = false
BanSystem.Config.Password = ''

BanSystem.Config.BanIDPrefix = 'CW-'
BanSystem.Config.BanIDLength = 5

BanSystem.Config.DiscordLogURL = ''

The config_sh.lua file contains various configuration parameters for the BanSystem.

Config = {
    BanCommand = 'ban',
    BanCommandInfo = "[ID]",

    UnbanCommand = 'unban',
    UnbanCommandInfo = "[BanID]",

    TempBanCommand = 'tempban',
    TempBanCommandInfo = "[ID] [HOURS]",

    DiscordLogName = ' | BanSystem Logs',
    DiscordLogFooter = " [TOOLS]",

    DiscordURL = "",

Language = {
    Infomation = "Information",
    Password = "Password",

    ConnectionError = "Something is not right with your connection!",

    PermissionError = "You cannot use this function",

    Usage = "Usage:",

    WrongID = "Invalid player ID.",
    WrongBanID = "Invalid ban ID.",
    WrongIDorTime = "Invalid player ID or duration.",

    PlayerBanHour = "Player has been banned for %s hour.",
    PlayerBanHours = "Player has been banned for %s hours.",

    YourBannedHour = "You have been banned for %s hour.",
    YourBannedHours = "You have been banned for %s hours.",

    YourBanned = "You have been banned.",
    PlayerBan = "Player successfully banned!",
    PlayerBanError = "Error banning player.",

    PlayerUnban = "Player successfully unbanned!",
    PlayerUnbanError = "Error lifting player's ban.",

    Loading = "Please wait, your connection is being checked...",

    BanInfoText = "You are banned!\nBan ID: ",
    BanTimeText = "\nRemaining time: %02d:%02d:%02d",

    LicenseError = "FiveM error. Please restart FiveM!",
    DiscordError = "No Discord ID found. Please start Discord and reconnect!",
    SteamError = "No Steam ID found. Please start Steam and restart FiveM!",

    WrongPassword = "Error: Invalid password entered!",
    OnlyAttempts = "Error: Invalid password entered! (%s attempts remaining!)",
    MaximumAttempts = "You've exceeded the maximum attempts. Please try again later.",

    DiscordLogKick = "Player kicked ID: ",
    DiscordLogBan = "A player has been banned",
    DiscordLogUnban = "A player has been unbanned",
    DiscordLogTempBan = "A player has been temporarily banned",
    DiscordLogTempHours = "Hours: "

-- Notification function for server-side admin commands, prints a message
Notify = function(msg)
    print(msg)  -- Prints the message on the client console and in their chat

Export Usage

The following export functions are available for usage:

exports.CW_BanSystem:AddBAN('license123', 'steam:123456789', 'discord:123456789012345678')
exports.CW_BanSystem:AddBANTime('license123', 'steam:123456789', 'discord:123456789012345678', 24)
exports.CW_BanSystem:ByePlayer('player123', 'Hacking')
local identifiers = exports.CW_BanSystem:CheckIDS(source)
local identifiers = {
    steamid = nil,
    license = nil,
    discord = nil,
    xbl = nil,
    liveid = nil,
    ip = nil


If you require further assistance or have any queries, please don't hesitate to reach out. We hope you find using BanSystem a delightful experience!